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Tag: Landscaping

Lawn care basics: Dethatcher vs aerator
Posted on 10/10/2022
Lawn care basics: Dethatcher vs aerator
When homeowners need to improve air circulation in their lawns, they usually come to a decision between two different tools: dethatcher vs aerator. Both tools are essential to maintaining healthy grass lawn aeration, but in different ways. To help you understand the difference between dethatchers and aerators, here is a basic guide to help: What is a dethatcher?...
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Removing & preventing lawn moss
Posted on 08/29/2022
Removing & preventing lawn moss
For homeowners with grass lawns, moss can be a problematic weed. Lawn moss appears in shady, damp areas and spreads quickly because it doesn’t need seeds to reproduce. Luckily, there are options for cleaning up a mess of moss. Here is a basic guide to removing existing moss and preventing future moss growth in your lawn: Raking &...
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Rain gardens: Design & benefits
Posted on 07/18/2022
Rain gardens: Design & benefits
When it comes to rain gardens, design matters for more than just aesthetics. Rain gardens are meant to serve an important purpose in capturing rainwater runoff, and both the plants and structure of the garden determine its effectiveness. To help you learn more about rain gardens, here are some key benefits and design elements to know: Why are...
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Posted on 02/23/2020
Curb Appeal for ROI
Photo by Breadmaker via Shutterstock You may be thinking that your best investments are inside the home: a snazzy new kitchen, a spa-like bathroom or new wood floors, but you can actually get a high return on investment (ROI) if you focus on your home's curb appeal. The first impression potential buyers have of your home is the...
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