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Tag: Lawn Care

A beginner's guide to grass maintenance
Posted on 07/15/2024
A beginner's guide to grass maintenance
To have a healthy, beautiful lawn, it’s essential to learn...
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A beginner's guide to seeding zoysia grass
Posted on 07/17/2023
A beginner's guide to seeding zoysia grass
 When it comes to planting a grass lawn, you have the...
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Lawn care basics: Dethatcher vs aerator
Posted on 10/10/2022
Lawn care basics: Dethatcher vs aerator
When homeowners need to improve air circulation in their lawns, they usually come to a decision between two different tools: dethatcher vs aerator. Both tools are essential to maintaining healthy grass lawn aeration, but in different ways. To help you understand the difference between dethatchers and aerators, here is a basic guide to help: What is a dethatcher?...
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Posted on 08/29/2022
Removing & preventing lawn moss
For homeowners with grass lawns, moss can be a problematic weed. Lawn moss appears in shady, damp areas and spreads quickly because it doesn’t need seeds to reproduce. Luckily, there are options for cleaning up a mess of moss. Here is a basic guide to removing existing moss and preventing future moss growth in your lawn: Raking &...
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