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Tag: Meal Planning

3 Simple Pasta Dishes in 30 Minutes or Less
Posted on 08/23/2020
3 Simple Pasta Dishes in 30 Minutes or Less
Image by Дарья Яковлева from Pixabay Being short on time is no reason to not enjoy a healthy meal at home. These three quick and easy pasta dishes whip up in a mere 30 minutes or less, giving you plenty of time to even to the dishes before you could be in and out of a drive thru...
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Meal Deliveries Making Life Easier
Posted on 08/11/2019
Meal Deliveries Making Life Easier
Whether you don't like cooking or want to avoid the shopping and prep working, or simply don't have access to healthy groceries, there's a delivery service for you. Sometimes its just nice to take the night off and order in some takeout. Restaurant Delivery Services You can always check with your local businesses individually to see if they...
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Struggling with Dinnertime Prep?
Posted on 07/07/2019
Struggling with Dinnertime Prep?
The struggle of what to feed the family is real. You may be that person who has the meal plan written out for two weeks at a time with the grocery list and coupons all aligned. But if you are like most people you are flying by the seat of your pants most evenings and smelling the leftovers...
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